EIO Electrical test
Why EIO Electrical Test?
Because safety is important!
Forewarned is forearmed! An inspection and test of your electrical installation is in fact an investment, both in safety and the value of your property. It helps you to schedule maintenance better and protects against accidents or even in the case death or fire.
More information about EIO Eltest is available at www.eio-eltest.se.
Four Point System
Electrotec AB uses a four point system for most installations tests.
This means taking time at the start of the project to familiarize ourselves with the layout and design of the installation and the buildings that accomodate this. To access all available information; documents, specifications and drawings that are necessary. A proper preparation at this stage can save time and money.
Checking the location and status of the parts of the installation to be tested. In the case of a new installation, additional visual inspection is necessary after power supply is switched on.
- Continuity of protective conductors
- Main and supplementary bonding continuity
- Continuity of ring final circuit conductors
- Insulation resistance
- Site applied insulation
- Protection by separation
- Protection by barriers and enclosures
- Insulation of non-conducting floors and walls
- Polarity
- Earth electrode resistance if an earth electrode resistance tester is used
- Earth electrode resistance if an earth-fault loop tester or the ammeter and voltmeter method are used
- Confirm correct polarity
- Earth-fault loop impedance
- Correct operation of residual current devices
- Correct operation of switches and isolators
All results of both inspection and testing are clearly documented for the customer in both paper end electronic formats.
PAT - Portable Appliance Testing
PAT - Portable Appliance Testing
In recent years many new laws and recomendations have be introduced with regards to safety in the workplace. One of these recomendations has been the periodic inspection of electrical power tools and movable appliances that we and our employees use on a regular or infrequent basis.
Apart from the more obvious visual inspection of these tools, we also carry out tests using a special instrument designed for this purpose. These tests ensure the electrical safety and overall condition of your portable tools and movable equipment:
The main categories of inspection and test of portable and movable appliances are as follows:
- Handheld equipment (drills, hair dryers, grinders etc.)
- Portable equipment <18kg (dryer, industrial kitchen equipment etc.)
- Stationary equipment> 18kg (washing machines, dishwashers, cookers etc.)
- Fixed equipment (electric heaters, lathe, workshop machines, etc.)
- Built-in equipment (all equipment built into cabinets or spaces)
- Information Technology (IT) equipment (PCs, printers, typewriters, scanners, etc.)